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So many lawyers turned down this case that the family almost gave up. But little Samantha was so badly hurt they kept at it until they found John Uustal. It took almost two years for Uustal to expose what was going on at the manufacturing facility in China: one of the most devious corporate cover-ups in history. The factory had been using the wrong size part in the safety mechanism of a pressure cooker. Once they discovered the mistake, they fixed it on future products but did not recall the old ones or notify the authorities. As a result, two-year-old Samantha Gonzales had disfiguring burns to her face and body and suffered the partial amputation of all four limbs. The factory almost got away with it! But after Uustal figured it out, they paid one of the largest settlements in history.

Kelley/Uustal: Pressure Cooker Lawsuit $26 Million Settlement - Maimed Toddler, Dogged Trial Lawyer 11/20/2018

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla.Nov. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Kelley/Uustal, a Florida personal injury law firm, announced today a Broward County, FL Circuit Court approved the $26 million settlement negotiated by noted defective products lawyer John Uustal on behalf of 5-year-old Samantha Gonzales in her lawsuit against the manufacturer of a pressure cooker with a faulty locking mechanism, the failure and subsequent explosion of which resulted in severe burns and amputation of Samantha’s leg, hip, foot, and fingers.

Broward Lawyers Negotiate $27M for Toddler Burned in Pressure Cooker Explosion 11/20/2018

John UustalMichael Hersh and Catherine Darlson of Kelley/Uustal in Fort Lauderdale worked out a $27 million settlement with international kitchenware distributor Lifetime Brands Inc. over a faulty pressure cooker that exploded and injured 3-year-old Samantha Gonzalez in Broward.

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